The Importance of Braille Literacy 1 hour 33 minutes

Image Description: Photo of Rhonda Voight-Campbell, a white middle-aged female with short, wavy brown hair, smiling at the camera. She is layered with a dark plaid shirt and a navy blue vest and is seated indoors in a restaurant.
Rhonda Voight-Campbell, DeafBlind Community Member & Educator
Rhonda is adjunct faculty at the Rochester Institute of Technology/National Technical Institute for the Deaf in the ASL and Interpreting Education Department. Specifically, she teaches undergraduate students the necessary skills to work effectively with DeafBlind people. Rhonda also has extensive training in Protactile communication strategies and provides consultation on the topic throughout the DeafBlind community and other parties. Rhonda believes in the full inclusion of DeafBlind people by fostering fuller access to information through the sense of touch. Rhonda has a bachelor degree in Packaging Science from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Rhonda is the mother of two Deaf children, is an avid biker, having completed over 100 miles on a tandem bike, has been the keynote speaker at the Jr. National Association of the Deaf Conference, has received the Deaf Woman of the Year award from Deaf Women of Rochester, has coordinated DeafBlind Awareness Day in Rochester, NY and was a guest curator for “Please Touch,” a tactile art exhibit at the National Technical Institute of Technology for the Deaf (NTID).
NYDBC is thrilled to have a continued partnership with Rhonda as she has acted in various advisory and consultative capacities over the years. Rhonda has also contributed to the NYDBC e-newsletter circulation on critical topics of access and inclusion for DeafBlind people.