
NYDBC Partners

NYDBC aligns its service regions with those of the New York State Education Program, Office of Special Education, as seen on the OSE Educational Partnerships website. The state is divided into twelve different regions.

Board of Cooperative Educational Services

NYDBC works in partnership with the NYS Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) by providing technical assistance (TA) throughout the 37 BOCES regions. TA may come in the form of professional development, intensive educational team coaching, resource and material sharing, etc.

Helen Keller National Center

NYDBC works closely with Helen Keller National Center to support young adults and their families to transition from the educational environment to life after school. HKNC is a national training facility that provides comprehensive vocational rehabilitation services to adults and young adults (age 16 and above) with combined hearing and vision loss. NYDBC encourages families to register with both NYDBC and HKNC to assist in this life planning process.

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