To increase systems addressing the unique needs of families of young adults who are deafblind & increase the number of valued life outcomes in work, community, home, and post-secondary environments.
Evidence-Based Practices
- Planning is comprehensive, person-centered and family-driven
- Requires a transdisciplinary approach
- Merges educational and adult services
- Planning process begins early (mandated by age 15 in NYS)
- Research-based models for developing social capital, community access, postsecondary education preparation and vocational skill development for all students
- Development of self-advocacy and self-determination skills
- Facilitate Person Centered Planning sessions
- Manage statewide Interdisciplinary Transition Team Initiative (ITTI)
- Provide webinars on transition planning related content
- Coach teams and families to identify strategies to support successful transitions from school to adult life
Community of Practice
Interdisciplinary Transition Team Initiative (ITTI)
The ITTI is a multi-state initiative focused on enhancing the knowledge base of educational teams and families of young adults who are deafblind. The ITTI design includes two faced-to-face team sessions and academic year-long activities that are facilitated in an online webinar platform. This initiative is designed to assist transition-age young adults who are deafblind, their families and educational teams that will lead to desired life outcomes after school.
For further information or inquiries, please contact Susanne Morgan Morrow.