NYDBC is a statewide project that provides technical assistance to professionals and families on behalf of children and young adults with combined hearing and vision loss between the ages of 0–21.
The project is funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) through the CUNY Research Foundation and is housed at Queens College in Flushing, NY. Any and all interested parties in New York State can access NYDBC, free of charge, as a resource on deaf-blindness.
Professionals: NYDBC provides technical assistance to educators, administrators and related service providers through a multitiered TA delivery model (see Services). The type and level of intensity of TA will vary significantly depending on the needs of the professional(s) and their desired level of commitment to the process.
Families: NYDBC provides information, support, resources, training, networking opportunities, and family-to-family linkages to family members of children who are deaf-blind with the expressed goal of increasing a family’s knowledge of and involvement in their child’s education.
Consumers: NYDBC acts as a resource to assist individuals who are deaf-blind in being connected to the appropriate resources within their local community. Peer-to-peer connections and linkages to adult service agencies, for example, are critical, particularly for young adults who are deaf-blind.