Putting the ACT into Recreation Activities for Learners who are DeafBlind

Putting the ACT into Recreation Activities for Learners who are DeafBlind 1 hour 33 minutes
Presentation slides 6 MB

Beth Foster

Image Description: Photo of Beth, a white female with very short, brown hair, smiling at the camera. She is wearing a dark suit jacket and is standing outside with trees behind her.

Elizabeth (Beth) Foster, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Adapted Physical Education

Beth is an associate professor at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in adapted physical education (APE). She is the APE program coordinator and Motor Development Clinic Director at Cal Poly Pomona. She is currently the assistant director for Camp Abilities in Pennsylvania. Dr. Foster has presented research and various application-based presentations on vision loss and deafblindness across the US within the field of adapted sports and APE. She completed intervener training at the Minnesota Deafblind Project. Dr. Foster was named the 2012 Pennsylvania State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Adapted Physical Education teacher of the year. In addition, Dr. Foster has been involved with various adapted sport organizations and disability organizations promoting physical activities, fitness, and adapted sports for all individuals with disabilities.

She has presented internationally and at national conferences on deafblindness and has conducted research projects regarding individuals with CHARGE syndrome. She is currently a co-principal investigator overseeing a federally funded personnel preparation grant for training special educators and adapted physical educators.

Beth has presented for NYDBC on several occasions, bringing critical perspective and detailed research findings to this exact population of students.

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