Multi-Tiered Delivery Model


is provided through dissemination and distance training activities. This type of technical assistance builds basic knowledge, increases identification and awareness and connects families and service providers with NYDBC. These activities will be in the form of e-newsletters, postcard distribution, website and referrals. In this capacity NYDBC acts as a resource on deaf-blind related content.


is comprised mostly of training activities that will be delivered both in-person and through distance technologies. The focus of Targeted TA is based on individual needs assessments driven by statewide initiatives. At this level stakeholders can assume their participation will lead to a change of knowledge on evidence-based practices that will ultimately impact learners who are deaf-blind. Engagement within these activities will set the stage for Intensive/Sustained TA.


is technical assistance that has been designed specifically for committed parties who have participated in Targeted/Specialized activities. Activities at this level of technical assistance include assessing, facilitating, coordinating, mentoring, and modeling. These activities are negotiated with the recipients and delivered with a higher level of intensity that will lead to observable and measurable change, typically at the child outcome level.

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